


Orskov Yard has now established a whistleblower portal.

This allows for confidential and anonymous reporting of serious violations of the law, misconduct, or other significant matters or suspicions hereof.

Reports can only be made about:

• Serious and/or criminal offenses such as theft, embezzlement, fraud, bribery, corruption, accounting fraud/manipulation, wrongful use of assets, misuse of funds etc.
• Serious incidents related to discrimination, violence, assault and harassment.
• Flagrant violations of internal guidelines (flagrant violations refer to systematic, repeated, and substantial breaches of internal procedures and guidelines)

It is necessary to have knowledge of or reasonable suspicion that such incidents have occurred.

Reports can only be submitted electronically by completing and submitting an online questionnaire.

Issues related to:

• employment conditions, absence, difficulties in cooperation
• smoking, alcohol/drugs
• dress code, salary matters etc., as well as matters that are not serious, shall not be reported through the
whistleblower portal, but shall be handled by the immediate supervisor, HR department, employee representative, etc.

Issues not to be reported is for example:

• employment conditions, absence, difficulties in cooperation
• smoking, alcohol/drugs
• dress code, salary matters etc., as well as matters that are not serious,

Such issues shall be handled by the immediate supervisor, HR department, employee representative, etc.

Download and read the entire Orskov Yard’s whistleblower policy right here below.

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