Frederik receives Roblon Foundation´s Education Aw…

Today, Frederik Myvl Thorsen received the Roblon Foundation´s Education Award 2022. Frederik is our newly educated Maritime Service Engineer, and he received the award because of his high professional competency. We are very proud of Frederik, and we…

Another milestone in Orskov Yard´s development str…

The yard´s new floating dock started operation a year ago and now another milestone in the development of the yard´s Northern area has been reached. A new pipe- and mechanical workshop was Friday inaugurated by the yard´s customers, employees, and su…

Sustainable solutions at Orskov Yard – Save fuel w…

At Orskov Yard we are striving to improve our performances in sustainable solutions offered at Orskov Yard. In November Express 2, which is managed by Molslinjen was in our dock 4 for yearly maintenance and repairs. During the stay, 2400m2 of paint w…

The Danish Frigate F-363 NIELS JUEL at Orskov Yard

The state-of-the-art Frigate, NIELS JUEL from the Danish Royal Navy is currently docked at Orskov Yard for a 10-year class survey. The Frigate is a part the IVER HUITFELDT Class, a very successful class, which has been in operation worldwide supporti…

Sir David Attenborough at Orskov Yard

One of the most advanced polar research vessels in the world, RRS Sir David Attenborough, operated by British Antarctic Survey has just left Orskov Yard after a 6 weeks yard stay. This £200 million vessel is the largest investment from the UK Governm…

Today was the official inauguration of Dock 5, Jep…

The new 25,000 m² yard area was officially inaugurated today by Orskov Yard and Port of Frederikshavn. The area comprises of Dock 5 and Jeppe Ørskov Pier. Furthermore, Arne Ørskov Vej, which is the main road on the new port expansion was also officia…

Krossøy at Orskov Yard

The Norwegian Fishing vessel Krossøy was at our yard in April for a 5-year class renewal survey. During the stay, class related work and general maintenance were carried out, which also included inspection and maintenance of MOB DAVIT, overhaul of th…

Ek-stream in Dock 5

The Oil/Chemical tanker Ek-Stream from Ektank AB was at Orskov Yard in May for maintenance, repairs and class related work. This modern vessel fit perfectly in Dock 5 with the capacity of 19881 DWT, LOA of 153,96, and a width of 23,88 meters. Ektank…

Gijon Knutsen at Orskov Yard

The large DP2 Shuttle Tanker “Gijon Knutsen” owned and managed by Knutsen NYK Offshore Tankers, just departed from Orskov Yard after a main class renewal and ballast water treatment system installation. This type of ballast water treatment system is…

Polar Nattoralik in dock 5

Polar Nattoralik, Polar Seafoods new 80 meters long Arctic Trawler docked in our new dock 5 in February/March with a draft of 8.4 meters. In the picture our SYNCROLIFT Bilge support arms are in operation. These arms are hydraulically operated and rem…
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